- place
- plasm
- plasma
- positive
- positron
- potential energy
- pressure
- primal
- primal physical quantity
- primary object
- prime law of nature
- primitive components of shape
- property
- protino
- proton
- quadrupole moment
- quanta
- quantum
- quantum parts
- quantum rise movement/energy
- quantum spin
- quantum spin movement/energy
- quantum whole
- quark
- radiation
- radioactive
- re-link
- redshift
- resonance
- rise
- rise energy
- risergy
- scalar
- Schwarzschild Radius
- shape
- SI
- simple object
- simultaneous
- singularity
- size
- space
- space/motion
- spacetime
- specific volume
- speed
- speed of light
- spin
- spin effects
- spin energy
- spin-up