1. In General, equilibrium is a state of balance between opposing forces.
2. In Neu Theory, the equilibrium states are:
- Matter is the equilibrium state of the two primal quantum movement/energy forms, spin and rise.
- The atomic nucleus is in equilibrium between the g-rise pressure of matter and the g-fall compression by the electric charge shield.
- The nucleus and electrons are in equilibrium with the electro-kinetic bond making neutral atoms.
- Cosmic equilibrium results from a self adjusting ratio between the neutral and the electric states of matter by the rate that zomons and the electric charge shells are being released into the universe by spontaneous neutron transformation (neutral to electric) and the rate the electric charge shells are being reduced by stellar neucleon synthesis (electric to neutral). Cosmic equilibrium is a self adjusting balance, over long moments of time, by large numbers of galactic matter/energy cycles that are more or less homogeneously distributed throughout the universal volume.