1. In Current Science, the speed of light is the speed at which photons (and other massless entities), propagate through a vacuum and is exactly equal to 299,792,458 meters per second. The speed of light sets an upper limit to the velocity of massive bodies and the speed by which information can be transmitted between bodies. The cornerstone of the Special Theory of Relativity, the speed of light is considered a fundamental constant of nature and is designated by the symbol c.
2. In Neu Theory, the speed of light c is:
- One of five absolute properties of the two movement/energy forms spin and rise.
- The speed by which photons are transported by zome.
- The speed by which the closure time of photons is measured.
- The speed by which a change in a movement/synergy field travels through zome.
The two speeds of light (bent and straight) are subject to a synchronous natural acceleration, the constant a, the 3rd of the 4 primal physical quantities of nature.
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