The Fundamental Forms of Nature
The Building Blocks of Nature
With the synthesis of hydrogen, all of the different pieces in nature’s jigsaw puzzle are present. Remarkably there are only eleven different types of pieces. We shall call them fundamental forms.
Fundamental Forms
In the following table the rows are the eleven fundamental forms in the two quantum states. The columns are the fundamental physical properties.
The physical properties can be measured and they become part of the constants of nature.
The physical properties are divided into two parts:
- The static properties of shape, size, substance, and structure.
- The dynamic properties from physical movement/synergy projections by matter & energy forms.
Table of Fundamental Forms
[#] | name | symbol | shape (topology) | size (vol m3) | substance (matter kg) (energy MeV) | structure (h) = homogenous | (sec) | (m/s2) | g-fall | mag | attr | repul | torq | addition |
[1a] | neutron core | n1 | 1s ball | 2.499×10-45 | 1.672×10-27 kg | (h) | 1.764×10-23 | 1.57×10-7 | 0 | ↑/ -1.0↓ | 0 | 0 | 0 | fermionic |
[2a] | neutron membrane | n2 | 2s shell | 0.001×10-45 | 9.109×10-31 kg | (h) | 0 | varies | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | fermionic |
[3a] | neutron plasm | n3 | 2s shell | varies | 13.952×10-31 kg | (h) | 0 | varies | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | fermionic |
[4] | g-spin/mag | ↑= up / –↓ +↑ | 1s torus | open | movement/synergy | 1/r2 | (host) | 0 | 0 | (host) | Y | Y | Y | bi-polar/ bosonic |
[5] | g-rise/spinfield | g | 1s shell | open | movement/synergy | 1/r2 (hyper-spinfield exception) | 0 | (host) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | bosonic |
[1b] | proton core | p+ | 1s ball | 2.499×10-45 | 1.672×10-27 kg | (h) | 1.764×10-23 | 1.57×10-7 | 0 | ↑/ +1.46↑ | 0 | 0 | 0 | fermionic |
[2b] | electron membrane | e- | 2s ball | 0.001×10-45 | 9.109×10−31 kg | (h) | 1.440×10-24 | 0.13×10-7 | 0 | ↑/ -960.9↓ | 0 | 0 | 0 | fermionic |
[6+] | positive electric charge shell | e+ | 2s shell | 1.042×10-48 | ½ 3a – 1st Law free spin energy (782 MeV/2) | (h) | 0 | 0 | = to g-rise | 0 | Y | Y | 0 | fermionic |
[6-] | negative electric charge shell | e- | 2s shell | 1.042×10-48 | ½ 3a – 1st Law free spin energy (782 MeV/2) | (h) | 0 | 0 | = to g-rise) | 0 | Y | Y | 0 | fermionic |
[7+] | positive electric field | e+ | 1s shell | open | mirror split movement/synergy | 1/r2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Y | Y | 0 | bosonic |
[7-] | negative electric field | e- | 1s shell | open | mirror split movement/synergy | 1/r2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Y | Y | 0 | bosonic |
[8] | zomon | z | 1s ball | 4.6 m3 avg | ~2/3 3a – 1st Law free rise energy (~2/3 982 Mev) | expansion/ diffusion @ c | 0 | 4.0×10-39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | bosonic |
[9] | motion | v | (host) | vector | ~1/3 3a – 2nd Law bound rise energy (~1/3 982 MeV) | (host) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | vector |
[10] | electric hollow | 10k-10q | 2s shell | varies | movement/synergy | 1/r2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Y | Y | 0 | bosonic |
[11] | photon | γ | 2s shell | varies | 2nd Law free spin energy | (h) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | bosonic |
The Three Matter Forms
- [1] core. The Type I matter core is either the neutron core [1a] or the proton core [1b]. Both have the same mass, size and spin. The difference is in their magnetism. The spinning cores, which always spin in the same direction, flip in magnetic polarity, with a change from the a-state north down to the b-state north up. The proton core’s magnetism is ∼ 50 % stronger than the neutron core, with an opposite polarity.
- [2] membrane. The Type I matter membrane is either the neutron membrane shell [2a] or the electron membrane ball [2b]. Both have the same fixed mass and body volume. The difference is in their shape, spin and magnetism. The neutron membrane shell is malleable and pliable capable of sharp bends; varies in shape, size and thickness; does not spin and has no magnetic field of its own. The electron membrane ball has shrunk to a fixed size and thickness, and has both spin and a magnetic field. The spin of all electron balls is in the same direction as the core balls. The magnetic field of the electron is approximately 960 times stronger than the neutron’s, with the same north down polarity.
- [3] plasm – the Type II matter plasm exists only with a neutron, deuteron or helion cell as [3a], there is no [3b]. The plasm has a fixed mass with a variable volume and density, but no spin or magnetism of its own. After neutron transformation the plasm de-links into its spin and rise energy components creating the fundamental forms [6] through [11].
The Two Matter Movement/Synergy Forms
- [4] g-spin/magnetism is a movement/synergy force field from the natural acceleration of a matter form that can be measured as a push, pull, or twist. This is magnetism, a force projection into space from the quantum spin of matter. Magnetism resists axially rotating quantum matter objects from physically touching each other. Quantum magnetic objects actively interact with each other, creating spin alignment and polarity balance. Magnetism is action at a distance. Anybody who has played with magnets can verify the existence of force that extends into space and can not be seen.
- [5] g-rise/spinfield is a movement/synergy field effect, that is made by synchronous topological projections into space, by the “locked” spin movement/energy and rise movement/energy content of matter. This is the spinfield [5], a spherical volume surrounding the g-rise surface of a matter body, that is filled with two isotropic topological accelerations. The g-rise/spinfield combination is fundamental physical form of nature [5]. You can’t have one without the other. What we call gravitational attraction, are g-rise/spinfield interactions between bodies of matter. The change in motion caused by a spinfield, to the motion of a test body, is not action at a distance, an accelerometer device on the test body, would not read any g-force, it is a changing local effect. The interacting bodies do not feel any force, as they pass through each others spinfields. The parties are only passively involved as their topological accelerations add. What we observe as the change in motion and direction of a body, is the addition of two interacting topological accelerations, the g-spin/g-rise-in-place of the spinfield form.
The Two Spin Movement/Energy Forms
- [6+[6-] positive & negative electric charge shells. Figure 3.5(a) shows two equal volume charge shells of spin energy, that have become topologically sheared and separated, and now provide an electric potential between their positive and negative “live” surfaces as they envelope the proton and electron matter couple. Each charge shell, despite being an elementary particle in its own right, is considered as one-half of a whole fundamental form. One charge shell cannot be formed without the other. Electricity is a 1st law energy, meaning it uniformly accelerates with time. The isotropic spin energy of the charge shells is a permanent fixed volume layer covering the proton and electron matter forms. The physical acceleration pressure of the charge shell volume is opposite to the direction of acceleration pressure by the matter volume it surrounds. We shall hypothesize later that this g-fall pressure is what holds the nuclei (neucleon clusters) of atoms together, thus removing the need for a “strong” binding force. The electric field is the strongest force field in nature.
- [11] light. Figure 3.5(d), is the symbolic representation of two photons of light. The first photon is created by the synthesis of hydrogen. The spin energy of the photon comes from the reduction in potential energy of the electric field between the positive nucleus and the negative electron. Light in the form of gamma rays is also made from nuclear processes. Photons are hundreds of times larger than the atoms and nuclei which spawn them. Light, similar to motion, is a 2nd law energy, meaning, light does not uniformly accelerate with time. Light is a spin energy bubble free of matter, being transported by expanding & accelerating space.
The Two Spin Movement/Synergy Forms
- [7+][7-] positive & negative electric fields. The dipole electric field, see Figure 3.5(a), is a movement/synergy force field that is only measured as a push or a pull. Unlike magnetism there is no twisting component to this force. The dipole electric field, is a movement/synergy projection from each topologically mirror-split equal charge shell that envelope the proton and electron matter couple. The electric force is action at a distance, with both charged parties actively involved. The electric potential from the underlying accelerating spin energy of the charge shells creates a static force field between the two charges that causes an attractive movement between unlike charge shells, and a repulsive movement between like charge shells. As the charge shells always envelope matter objects, both the charge shells and the matter objects move together. Attractive movement decreases the potential energy between the electric couple, and adds kinetic energy to the matter objects they envelope. The decrease in potential energy creates a radiant energy bubble of light. See Figure 3.5(d)
- [10] the electric hollow is made by the interacting positive and negative electric fields. The electric hollow is a topological form, synthesized by the dynamic interaction of the proton and electron charge shells and their electric fields as they make a neutral atom. See Figure 3.4 for the hydrogen electric hollow form.
Figure 3.4 The Ground State of Hydrogen
The electric hollow(s) manages the remaining potential energy of the electric fields. The electric hollow mediates and determines the energy of photons the atom emits, by decreasing the potential energy of the electric fields in quantum steps that are equal to the kinetic energy difference between electron orbital shifts. The electric hollow is the place where the free spin energy of photons is absorbed, with a corresponding increase in the potential energy of the electric field.
The Two Rise Movement/Energy forms
- [8] space. Figure 3.5(b), is a graphic representation of space shown with a blue color. The blue color symbolically represents the presence of a uniform isotropic presence of expanding and diffusing-in-place free rise movement/energy at the accelerating speed of light. Space energy has a calculated value by Neu Theory of 1.82 x 10-14 J/m3 (0.11 MeV/m3) of free rise energy, which has an equivalent mass density of 2.03 x 10-31 kg/m3. Space, similar to electricity, is a 1st law energy, meaning it also uniformly accelerates with time. Space acceleration pressure is opposite in direction to the acceleration pressure from matter, and in the same direction as the acceleration pressure from the charge shells. Space energy is permanently discrete from matter, charge and light.The movement of space is always “straight” never “bent.”
- [9] motion. Figure 3.5(c), is a vector diagram that represents the three part distribution of 0.000 833 neu of rise energy after transformation. The three parts are one zomon of space, and two kinetic energies with the proton and the electron. The dotted blue arrow of the zomon is symbolic of an omni-directional diffusion of free rise energy. The solid blue arrows represent the momentum vectors of the proton and the electron. The dotted blue arrow represents the symbolic momentum vector of the zomon. Motion is a 2nd law energy, meaning, motion does not naturally accelerate with time. Motion is rise energy bound to matter. By itself motion is uniform and “straight” unless acted upon by an outside force (Newton’s 1st law of motion).
Figure 3.5 – The Four Energies
The Seven Elementary Particles
Seven of the eleven fundamental forms of nature can be considered elementary particles. See Figure 3.6
Figure 3.6 – Elementary Particles & Primary Objects
Five of the seven elementary particles are fermions, meaning they maintain discrete boundaries between themselves.
Two of the seven elementary particles are bosons, forms of energy that can pass through each other, however cannot pass through the fermions.
The 3 Fermionic Matter Particles
- [1] cores – 0.998623u of Type I matter
- [2] membranes – 0.000544u of Type I matter
- [3] plasms – 0.000833u of Type II matter
The 2 Fermionic Mirror-Split Spin Movement/Energy Particles
- [6+] positive electric charge shells surrounding proton cores and neucleon membranes
- [6-] negative electric charge shells surrounding electron membrane balls
The 2 Bosonic Free Energy Particles
- [8] zomons – expanding and diffusing-in-place free rise movement/energy quanta of space
- [11] photons – free spin energy bubbles carried by space
All of other five fundamental forms of nature [4][5][7+][7-][9][10] are dynamic properties of elementary fermionic particles and cannot exist without the underlying existence of the particle or particles themselves.
The Seven Primary Objects
The seven elementary particles combine to make seven primary objects. See Figure – 3.6. The universe is built from just these seven primary objects. See Primary Objects Table. The columns represent the eleven fundamental forms. The rows represent the objects. Going across each row one can see the fundamental forms the object is made of.
There are five matter objects. All five objects are discrete fermionic entities:
- the neutral neutron cell
- the neutral proton core with its positive electric charge shell
- the neutral electron membrane with its negative electric charge shell
- the neutral deuteron cell with a single positive charge shell
- the neutral helion cell with two positive electric charge shells
There are two free energy objects. Both are bosonic:
- Zome is the expansion and diffusion-in-place of 0.87N quanta of free rise movement/energy that combine to make universal space. Zome is nature’s largest object calculated by the model as a ball approximately 68 billion light years in diameter.
- Photons (light) are discrete bubbles of spin energy carried by the movement of space at the accelerating speed of space.
Primary Objects Table
legend: Y = present, N = not present or not applicable, black = matter, green color = magnetism, red color = spin energy, (+) = positive electricity, (-) = negative electricity, blue color = rise energy, P.E.= potential energy, K.E. = kinetic energy
Form | [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9] | [10] | [11] | |
Object | (name) | spinrise core | spinrise membrane | spinrise plasm | g-spin/ magnetism | g-rise/ spinfield | g-fall/ charge shells | electric fields (P.E.) | g-rise/ zomons (space) | relative motion (K.E.) | electric hollow (P.E.) | photon bubbles (light) |
1 | neutron | Y | Y | Y | ↑↓ | Y | N | N | N | Y | N | N |
2 | proton | Y | N | N | ↑↑ | Y | Y (+) | Y (+) | N | Y | Y (+) | N |
3 | electron | N | Y | N | ↑↓ | Y | Y (-) | Y (-) | N | Y | Y (-) | N |
4 | deuteron | YY | Y | Y | ↑↑↓↑ | Y | Y (+) | Y (+) | N | Y | Y (+) | N |
5 | helion | YYY | Y | Y | ↑↑↓↓↑↓ | Y | YY (++) | Y (+) | N | Y | Y (+) | N |
6 | Zome | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | Y | N | N | N |
7 | photon | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | Y |
The Neutron
The neutron is the a-state of matter and is made from fundamental forms [1a], [2a], [3], [4], [5]. The neutron is a completely neutral composite object, a topological whole. Only the matter core [1a] of the neutron spins, the membrane matter [2a] and hollow plasm matter [3] do not spin.
The quantum spin results in a fixed rotation of the core, with a permanently aligned magnetic polarity, that is anti-parallel to the spin vector [4].
The neutron has a variable g-rise/spinfield [5] depending upon its overall size or wavelength.
The neutron carries kinetic energy [9] which is transferable to other bodies.
The neutron is stable below the charge shield of an atomic nuclide, but is unstable when free from the nucleus and exposed to space, spontaneously transforming into the b-state proton and electron matter objects, and the six environmental energy forms, [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11].
The Proton
The proton is a part of the b-state of matter and is made from fundamental forms [1b], [4], [5], [6+], [7+]. The proton core has the same mass, size, and spin as the neutron core [1a] it came from.
The quantum spin results in a fixed rotation of the core, with a permanently aligned magnetic field that is parallel to the spin vector [4], and is approximately 50% stronger than the neutron.
The proton has a fixed g-rise [5] equal to 1.57 x 10-7 m/s2.
The proton is enveloped with a positive electric charge shell [6+], and a positive electric field [7+], that is equal and opposite to the electron’s negative electric charge shell and negative electric field.
The proton carries kinetic energy [9] which is transferable to other bodies.
The Electron
The electron is a part of the b-state of matter and is made from fundamental forms [2b], [4], [5], [6-], [7-]. The membrane [2a] has been inverted inside out and has effectively “shrunk” into a ball with a topological “void” in its center [2b].
The electron matter has the same mass and volume, as the neutron membrane it came from, but unlike the neutron membrane, which has no spin, the electron ball spins [4]. The quantum spin results in a fixed rotation, with a permanently aligned magnetic field that [4], that is anti-parallel to the spin vector and is ~ 960 times stronger than the neutron.
The electron has a fixed g-rise [5] that is equal to 0.13 x 10-7 m/s2.
The electron is enveloped with a negative electric charge shell [6-], and a negative electric field [7-], that is equal and opposite to the proton’s positive electric charge shell [6+], and positive electric field [7+].
The electron carries kinetic energy [9] which is transferable to other bodies.
The Deuteron
The deuteron is the ab-state of matter. The deuteron consists of a neutron cell with a captive proton core. The positive electric charge shell of the proton has migrated above the neucleonic surface.
The deuteron is made by two protons and one electron, combining together in a spin-on process, that is the reverse of the spin-off that occurred with neutron fragmentation.
The synthesis of the deuteron, the first nucleon, is also Step 4 in the Atomic Matter/Energy Cycle and the beginning of the rebirth of a neutron. See Figure 4.3.
The deuteron is the precursor to further acts of fusion. Without this initial act of charge migration, it is speculated, that atoms beyond Hydrogen-1 could not be formed.
The Helion
The helion is the abb-state of matter. The helion consists of a neutron cell with two captive protons. The positive electric charge shells of both protons have migrated above the neucleonic surface.
There are two methods by which helions are manufactured. See Figure 4.4. The synthesis of the Helion, the second nucleon, is Step 5 in the Atomic Matter/Energy Cycle, continuing the process of neutron regeneration.
The helion is stable as a free nuclide, but is unstable as part of a neucleon cluster, emitting a positron to become a deuteron and a neutron..
Space or Zome in Neu Theory is the bosonic addition of ~0.87N expanding and diffusing-in-place zomons that create nature’s largest physical object.The zomon of space [8], is a part of the b-state of matter and the average pulse is made from ∼ 2/3 of the de-linked rise movement/energy of neutron plasm matter [3a] after transformation. The total energy of universal zome as hypothesized by Neu Theory is equal to the total energy current science attributes to the neutrinos that are said to fill the universe.
Universal Zome, is the isotropic one way expansion and diffusion-in-place at the accelerating speed of space, of pure free rise movement/energy, that is being perpetually replenished with fresh bursts of zomon pulses, from transforming neutrons, that are being ejected from active galactic supercells.
The universal expansion and diffusion-in-place of cosmic Zome at the accelerating speed of light, is balanced by the production of fresh expanding and diffusing-in-place zomons at the accelerating speed of light from galaxies throughout the universe, thus providing a cosmic homeostasis volume.
The number of zomons at any moment of history is equal to the number of electric charge couples (∼ 0.87 N). Topologically the zomon number is decreased with the synthesis of a neucleon, and increased with a little bang (beta decay).
The Photon
The photon of light [11], is a b-state particle and is made in three ways:
- Atomic photons made from electric field [7+][7-] interaction between negative electrons and positive nuclei.
- Nuclear photons (gamma rays) made by a change in size of the nuclide, or the de-linkage of matter from captive neucleonic protons.
- Thermal photons made by the electro/kinetic interaction of matter objects.
Light is the bosonic addition of spin energy bubbles that fill space, and are being transported by space at an accelerating absolute speed. Zome is the common carrier of light. Photons represent the largest number of objects that exist at any moment in nature, with some estimates in the range of 100 billion or more photons for every neutron, proton or electron in the cosmos.
Photons are considered 2nd law energy objects that do not accelerate with time. Neu Theory estimates that around 0.2 % of the total spin energy of the universe is carried by photons.