NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

Uniform Universal Acceleration of the Speed of Absolute Movement

Natural Acceleration

The quantum primal absolute movement/energy forms Spin & Rise naturally accelerate. This uniform universal accelerationa‘ of the speed of absolute movementc‘ is the physical identity of time and the ultimate cause of all force in nature.

Uniform universal acceleration is a primal physical quantity that is conserved and completely described by five invariant properties:


  1. Immortality: The acceleration of Spin & Rise movement/energies is perpetual.
  2. Fixed Value: The acceleration of Spin & Rise movement/energies is an invariant quantity called ‘a‘, a physical constant of nature. The rate of increase is a small fraction of the speed of lightc‘ with a value that is empirically determined.
  3. Smoothness: The acceleration of Spin & Rise is continuous, without breaks, discontinuities, or fluctuations.
  4. In-line Direction: The acceleration of Spin & Rise always acts in the same direction as each movement/energy form, “bending” for spin and “straight” for rise.
  5. Synchronization: The acceleration of Spin & Rise movement/energies is universally synchronized.


What is time? Where does time come from? How does time work? The phenomena of time has been at the forefront of human thought.

One dictionary definition of time is; a finite extent of continued existence, e.g. the interval between two events, or the period during which an action or state continues.

We all experience this continued existence as part of our every day reality. The one-way arrow of time, with the unchangeable past, on going present, and the yet to be future, is something we accept as truth. Yet, we have been unable to clearly say, what the physical identity of time actually is.

What is the thing that makes this one-way continued existence possible? The enigma of time has remained a mystery that has been discussed at length by many without a clear answer.

In the Neu Theory model time is identified as one of the 4 primal physical quantities of nature. Time is the natural uniform universal acceleration of the two primal movement/energy forms spin and rise.

As the primal movement/energies are always moving at the speed of light, time is the perpetual small uniform acceleration to the speed of light.

The rate of acceleration can be empirically observed by the increase in the rate of redshift of photons from distant Type Ia supernovas. This accelerating redshift is the effect caused by the universal acceleration of ordinary space energy, not some form of unknown “dark energy.”

The Neu Theory model maintains that the speed of light (actually the speed of space, as it is only isotropic free rise energy that is doing the moving) is an acceleration, not a motion. In this view photons don’t move through space at the speed of light, they are being carried by space at the accelerating speed of space.

This is contrary to the view held by current science, that the speed of light does not change with time. The cornerstone of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is that the speed of light is a constant of nature that never changes. The kinetic motion of matter can approach but never reach the speed of light. Instead, relativity theory requires space and time – whatever they physically may be? – to change with the effects of motion and gravity. Space is allowed to bend, stretch, and twist, while the flow of time can slow down and speed up.

The Neu Theory model is completely different. Space (free rise movement/energy) is always moving in a “straight” direction, it never bends, and the flow of time (the natural acceleration of movement/energy) is always uniform, meaning that in Neu Theory time always flows (accelerates) at the same rate, never slowing down or getting faster.

The relative movement (kinetic motion) of physical objects, no matter how close they get to the speed of light, does not change physical space or time in the slightest. This view is possible because the speed of light is not just an absolute speed, but is instead, the constant universal acceleration of an absolute speed.

In the Neu Theory model the physical meaning of ‘now is the current speed of light. In the past the absolute speed of light was less relative to now. In the future the absolute speed of light will be more relative to now. The constant one-way acceleration (the rush of existence) that flows through the matter and electricity making our physical bodies is what we all personally experience as the arrow of time.

It should be emphasized that the measured speed of light c at any historical moment will always be 299,792,458 meters per second.

Physical time can be measured by the g-spin clock of quantum matter objects. The number of quantum spins (ticks) per second for the elementary spinning particles, will always be measured to be the same at any moment of historical time at any place in the universe.

The Twins Paradox

Let us consider the “twins paradox” of relativity theory. Here it is claimed that two twins, one remaining on Earth while the other travels in space at speeds approaching the speed of light, will age differently because time slows down for the traveling twin. In the Neu Theory model both twins will age alike as the quantum matter they are made of will undergo the same number of g-spins. It is hypothesized that the g-spin of quantum objects – as they already spin at the accelerating speed of light – does not change with relative motion irrespective of the particles kinetic speed.

The smooth continuous underlying natural acceleration of the primal movement/energy forms Spin & Rise – the source of all physical form and force in nature – is the phenomena of time.

Primal Force in Nature

The uniform universal acceleration ‘a‘ of Spin & Rise movement/energies, creates two primal forces in nature, which mediate all future interactions between matter and energy.

  1. Spin Compression Force: the acceleration of primal spin movement/energy causes the spherical spin form to shrink faster, becoming a smaller volume (g-fall), generating an inward pressure. This natural tendency of spin movement/energy to contract exerts a compression force that acts perpendicular to the spin direction of movement. (See Figure 1.1c)
  2. Rise Expansion Force: the acceleration of primal rise movement/energy causes the spherical rise form to expand faster generating an outward pressure. This natural tendency of rise movement/energy to expand, exerts a push force (g-rise) that acts in-line with the rise direction of movement. (See Figure 1.1f)

The two forces act in opposite directions towards a state of dynamic balance.