Cosmic Homeostasis
The First Assumption
The first assumption by Neu Theory is that the universe as observed is in physical homeostasis. This simply means that there is no definable beginning or end to physical reality. What we observe now is what we will always observe. At a large scale, the universe will appear the same to any observer, at any place, in any direction, at any historical moment of time. This is also known as The Perfect Cosmological Principle.
How can that be? How does the universe do it? Doesn’t the redshift of distant galaxies mean that the universe is expanding? This is a good question, and the answer is that we must first understand the physical nature of space and light before we can explain the cause of cosmological redshift.
Space & Redshift in Current Science
Until the early 20th century our Milky Way galaxy of stars, gas, and dust was considered the full extent of the universe. There were several fuzzy patches of light that clearly weren’t stars, but they were still considered part of the Milky Way.
In the 1920’s Edwin Hubble using 100 inch Hooker Telescope at Mt. Wilson, California conclusively showed that these fuzzy patches were individual galaxies discrete from the Milky Way. Instead of a small universe filled with many stars, the reality was that there existed a much larger universe filled with many galaxies.
In 1929 using his data, and the redshift data of these fuzzy patches previously measured by Slipher & Humason, Hubble formulated the Redshift Distance Law.
Redshift is the reduction in frequency of photons from the original atomic frequency of emission. Redshift is also a corresponding increase in photon size (wavelength) and a decrease in photon energy.
Hubble determined the distances to the galaxies by the use of a “standard candle” based on Henrietta Swan Leavitt’s period-luminosity relationship for Cepheid variable stars. A Cepheid variable star has a direct relationship between its absolute luminosity and its period, hence when we measure the star’s apparent luminosity and its period, we can calculate its distance away from the earth.
Hubble’s law states that there is a proportionality between the redshift of galaxies and their distance from Earth. The energy lost by photons (the redshift) is directly proportional to the distance from which they were emitted. Doubling the distance, doubles the energy loss.
This proportional redshift from distant galaxies was quickly inferred by scientists as a “Doppler” shift, meaning that the cause of redshift was the radial motion of the galaxies away from each other. The universe was expanding and the galaxies were separating and getting farther apart. The greater the distance between galaxies the greater the relative speed of their separation.
This apparent velocity of recession is measured by the Hubble constant and can be expressed as a radial speed per unit distance. The currently accepted value is a velocity of recession roughly 70 kilometers per second (km/s) per megaparsec. One million parsecs (Mpc) is a distance of approximately 3.26 million light years and represents a convenient distance scale between galaxies; for example; the distance to our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy is approximately 0.78 Mpc (2.5 million light-years) from Earth, the distance to the Virgo Cluster, the nearest large group of galaxies, is approximately 16.5 Mpc (54 million light-years) from Earth.
It should be understood the Hubble constant is a measure of the universe on a larger cosmic scale. On a smaller galaxy scale the unit value of the constant at 70 km/s is smaller than the 220 km/s rotational velocity of the Sun around the center of the Milky Way approximately 8,000 parsecs (26,000 light years) away. The relative velocity of individual galaxies in groups and clusters of galaxies that are bound together can be larger than 1,000 km/s. Only as the distances increase does the Hubble constant begin to dominate. It is estimated that with distances around 4.5 gigaparsecs (14.7 billion light years) the radial velocity of separation between galaxies exceeds the speed of light.
Specifically the Hubble constant is considered as the “Hubble Flow”, the rate at which space is expanding. This is considered a “metric expansion of space”, where the physical distance between galaxies keeps increasing with time. As a consequence the volume of the universe increases with time and the average density of matter on a large enough scale decreases with time.
The Big Bang Theory of cosmology is based on universal expansion as a first assumption. It claims that based on this apparent rate of expansion, working backwards, approximately fifteen billion years in the past the universe began as an explosion of a singularity without volume that contained all the energy of nature.
In the 1990’s astronomical observations of the brightness and redshift of distant galaxies using Type Ia supernova as “standard candles” showed that the light from the exploding stars was dimmer than expected for the distances calculated based on Hubble redshift. This is taken to mean that the “metric expansion of space” is accelerating. Despite the attractive force of gravity, space is expanding faster today than it did in the past. The cause of this acceleration is attributed to a unknown form of “dark energy” that permeates all space causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate.
In Current Science the future of the universe is uncertain and open to speculation.
In Neu Theory the future of the universe is certain. What you see now, is what you will always see in the future. There is enough time in nature for everything to do what it can. Consider our own biologic existence which has taken billions of years of earth history in the making. That is the meaning of Cosmic Homeostasis.
Space & Redshift in Neu Theory
The question still remains: if space is expanding and the distance between galaxies is increasing as Current Science believes, how can the universe look the same over time as Neu Theory mantains? How does the universe do it?
The Neu Theory answer is simple. Yes, space is expanding but not in the manner Current Science believes, because the absolute movement of space does not separate matter. The large scale physical distance between galaxies is not increasing, there is no “metric expansion of space” that carries galaxies along with it.
What we call space, in Neu Theory, is the isotropic physical one-way expansion and diffusion-in-place of 0.87N zomons of free rise movement/energy at the accelerating speed of light. Space maintains a constant volume and density by a perpetual one way cosmic process of renewal.
The large scale spatial distribution of the galaxies that make up the cosmic web, and as observed by us today is perpetually maintained-in-place, through the means of a universal self-regulating cosmic cycle that continually manufactures fresh space and electricity to replenish the expansion and diffusion-in-place of existing space. This maintains a relatively constant universal volume, which is the reason the universe will always look the same.
The phenomena of cosmological “redshift” has a different cause than a “velocity of recession” that increases the physical distance between objects.
The truth resides in our understanding the nature of atoms, space & light.
The universe is expanding but not in the manner of current scientific theory. Space is accelerating but not in the manner of current scientific theory.
Neu Theory provides a model where atoms, space and light – the three principle components of the cosmos – are perpetually accelerating or expanding-in-place yet maintain a consistent relative size and spatial distribution. The nature of the acceleration and expansion and its effect on the universe as a whole is different for each component.
The Universal Acceleration of Atoms
The universal acceleration of atoms is the acceleration-in-place of the matter and electric charge shells they are made of.
The acceleration-in-place of matter is the individual g-spin and g-rise of the three primary matter objects (neutron, proton, electron), and the collective cosmic g-spin and g-rise force of all number collections of the universal number N acting as a whole. The cosmic g-spin and g-rise force acts as a uniform addition to the acceleration-in-place of matter.
G-rise is purely a function of number and volume and results in the g-force and the spinfield and hyper-spinfield effects. The acceleration of matter is a non-visual physical acceleration that is experienced as a force by other matter objects that are themselves physically accelerating at their own rate. The relative size between the self-rising matter objects and their large scale spatial distribution remains the same.
The acceleration-in-place of electricity is the g-fall compression of the positive and negative charge shells as they surround the spinning cores, and the non-spinning membranes and plasm. With nuclides the positive charge shell layers act as tension jackets that hold the non-spinning neucleons clustered together.
The 0.000833u of topologically mirror split spin movement/energy from the little bangs, creates the positive and negative electric charge shells. These charge shells provide a strong attractive or repulsive electric force field in the space between them.
All the neu numbers (and their collections) of the universe are forever riding the crest of the same wave of universal acceleration in synchronized harmony. The acceleration never stops, slows down or changes direction. Natural acceleration provides the motive power that drives nature.
The Universal Accelerating Expansion and Diffusion-in-place of Space
Space is the one-way movement of isotropic expansion and diffusion-in-place free rise energy at the uniformly accelerating speed of light throughout the universe, not the relatively puny 70 km/mpc Hubble flow. The movement of space (zome) is always at an absolute speed of 299 792 458 meters per second perpendicular towards and away from matter, whatever matter’s kinetic motion. The physical distance between matter objects is not changed by the expansion and diffusion-in-place of space. However, the large scale physical distance can increase or decrease by a change in density of space. Distant galaxies remain the same distance apart, more or less, with the same random motion as long as space energy maintains its volume and density.
The in-place-expansion and diffusion of space body is continuously being replenished by the “eternal springs” of fresh zomons during the active galactic nuclei (AGN) phase of the galactic matter cycle.
Based on observation, there are an estimated 7 %* of total galaxies at one time in the AGN phase. If this is true, than apparently one in every thirteen galaxies in the universe is currently in the space manufacturing phase of the galactic matter cycle.
The AGN emission provides a fresh supply of neutral a-state neutrons which quickly transform into the electric b-state protons and electrons releasing a spectrum of free rise energy bursts (zomons) that are crucial to balance the universal one-way expansion and diffusion-in-place of free rise space energy. Free rise energy can only expand and diffuse one-way, and must topologically remain within the open-hollow volume made of 0.87 N zomons, meaning in principle there is no space (zome) beyond the openhollow.
To maintain cosmic homeostasis, the entire universal industrial complex of an estimated 500 billion galaxy factories must continually manufacture as much space as needed using the galactic matter/energy cycle as the means of production. See Figure 5.1 – The Atomic Matter/Energy Cycle. The zomon production rate needs to match the zome expansion and diffusion -in-place rate with time. Only then can the universal volume of zome be maintained at a constant volume, pressure, and density. Changes to Zome properties such as volume, pressure, and density do occur, but only very slowly, and over very long periods of time. This slight up and down fluctuation from homeostasis, is perhaps the longest cycle in nature.
Space is embedded with charge shielded matter in kinetic motion. All matter objects that are not charge shielded, such as the free neutron, or core matter collision fragments, are unstable. The neutron will spontaneously transform into the charge shielded proton and electron objects that are stable; and the collision matter fragments will eventually find nearby charge shielded nuclides to rejoin creating a chain-reaction of instability until some stable charge shielded nuclear forms are made.
There are two forms of matter embedded in space, neutral atoms & charged particles:
- Neutral matter consists of the cosmic web of atomic matter, bound in individual galaxy hyper-spinfields and multiple galaxy clusters, and including the neutral atoms of inter-galactic dust and gas.
- Charged matter consists of bound ions in magnetic fields, and the isotropic shower of free ions (cosmic rays) that traverse the web.
It is hypothesized that space interacts in a different manner with the neutral and charged matter embedded within it:
- Space decelerates the kinetic motion of unbound neutral matter. Unbound matter is matter that is not orbiting within a spinfield. This may be an explanation for the deceleration relative to the Sun by the two Pioneer Spacecrafts.
- Space accelerates the kinetic motion of unbound charged matter such as cosmic rays that travel a long time and distance in the cosmic web. The longer the charged nuclides travel the closer they get to the speed of light. This may be the explanation for ultra-high energy cosmic rays.
Space is filled with photons of light that are emitted and absorbed by atoms. The bosonic photons make a “continuum” of free spin energy bubbles that fill and are carried along with the one-way movement of space. Each photon is a unique physical entity with its own life history.
The Expansion of Light
The expansion of light is “redshift”. The isotropic free spin movement/energy of the photon does not naturally accelerate. As it interacts with the expanding (and accelerating) free rise movement/energy of zome, all cosmic light expands, losing energy that is eventually measured by us on Earth as redshift.
The entire radiation spectrum continuously shifts towards longer wavelengths. All photon bubbles are getting larger. Their individual rate of expansion – compared to their moment of birth – increases with age.
Cosmic light is the universal isotropic flux of a large number of photon “packages” of all sizes (a wavelength continuum) being bosonically transported from place to place by the “common carrier” Zome – the cosmic “FedEx” for light – at the accelerating speed of space. The speed of space “z” is identical to the speed of light “c.” Cosmic light can be visualized as a warm gas of discrete photons with different colors (energy) that are being individually carried in unique directions, established at the moment of their birth, by the isotropic expanding-in-place open-hollow of space.
Photon bubbles, unlike the three primary matter objects, the neutron, proton, and electron, do not displace or add to the volume of space, they add to its spin energy density. The bubble’s energy remains as a coherent package being bosonically transported by space from its emission matter source in a specific direction (relative to the emitter) until its eventual receipt by another matter object. The matter objects including their charge shells are embedded in space. Space expands and diffuses-in-place at the accelerating speed of light, up to, but never through or around the charge shielded matter objects. Space, matter, and charge are discrete, each adding their own form of physical volume to the universe. Photons come from atoms, and are carried along by the movement of space until absorption by other atoms.
The photon bubble is a free spin energy addition on top of the free rise energy of space. The two energies do not mix, they remain discrete as they interact. The volume of space is not increased by a photon bubble, no matter how dense the photon flux, such as in a laser beam or immediately surrounding an exploding star.
Redshift is the continuous decrease in relative energy of all photon spin bubbles in the universe, one quantum spin at a time, from the internal pressure of zome that is expanding and diffusing-in-place within the bubble. The isotropic spin energy of the photon bubble, as long as it exists, is a closure motion at the non-accelerating speed of light, but it is still only physical motion, not physical acceleration like the free rise energy of zome.
There are two causes for redshift:
- The first cause of redshift is the right angle interaction between the photon’s spin closure energy bubble and the internal pressure on the bubble from radial expanding-in-place rise movement/energy that makes the bubble larger and results in the increase in closure time (a decrease in frequency) of the photon, thereby making the bubble have less energy, or “red shifted” from its starting value. The longer the time of travel by the photon, the more time for zome pressure to act, and the greater the redshift. This uniform decrease in spin energy of photon bubbles is the measured Hubble redshift. Unlike the current scientific view, the measured physical distance between the emitting galaxies and Earth will always remain more or less the same, and is not increasing with distance. This is true for all galaxies within the cosmic web.
- The second cause of redshift is the additional long term effect of uniform universal acceleration (the aging factor) on individual photons. Photons that were born in galaxies billions of light years away, have lived and traveled a long time with expanding and diffusing-in-place Zome. They uniformly lose energy due to constant internal zome pressure, but they also lose energy relative to the long term natural acceleration of Zome, a continuous increase in pressure. The rate of universal acceleration a is a small fraction of the speed of light c, but after a certain historical time period the speed of Zome z will accelerate until it is double the speed at the moment of the photon’s birth and keep on doubling.
The photon bubble starts with the historical diameter (wavelength) of its birth, and its free spin energy – which obeys the 2nd law of thermodynamics – and does not accelerate with time. The inverse of the wavelength is the photon’s frequency, and its energy is proportional to the frequency multiplied by Plank’s constant h. The longer a photon lives, its individual rate of aging (which is relative to the speed of space at the moment of its birth) keeps getting faster. This accelerated aging effect on a photon is caused by the acceleration of the movement of space, a increasing additional pressure, that adds to the photon’s uniform energy loss from the constant internal pressure from an expanding-in-place zome with a maintained density.
The uniform rate of acceleration a of Zome is a small quantity relative to the current physical speed of c at 299 792 458 meters per second. Neu Theory does not provide a value for the rate of uniform universal acceleration, it must be empirically determined. Despite the small value of this perpetual acceleration, after enough time it will double the speed of z, although the measured speed of light will always remain at c. For short distances, while still present, the effect of acceleration on the redshift of a photon is not significant compared to the uniform energy loss from internal zome pressure. However, the longer distance a photon travels, the greater the added effect on redshift caused by acceleration. Based on the observed redshift of distant galaxies, after a photon has traveled approximately 5 billion light years, the increasing effect of acceleration on redshift has become significant.
Universal acceleration is the cause of the additional redshift of photons from distant Type Ia supernova. Dark energy is not required.
The Life of a Photon
Consider the universe from the point of view of a single photon. Just like us, a photon is a “real” thing during the duration of its existence, and similar to the way we consider ourselves on Earth, the photon is and will remain however far it travels, the center of its universe.
A photon has measurable physical properties, and a direction of travel. It has a moment of birth from some atomic or nuclear event involving matter, and it has either:
- A moment of death when it is absorbed by matter, as its free spin energy becomes the kinetic rise energy of matter.
- Or speculatively, should the photon live and expand long enough, an ever-lasting life as it reaches the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spin energy resonance that fills space. At the resonance the photon loses its individual identity, meaning, in principle, it can no longer be associated with a specific source, and becomes part of the maintained universal isotropic body temperature of the cosmos at ∼ 2.73° K.
Photons are being absorbed and emitted by the entire cosmic body in homeostasis. One can only speculate on the physical process that maintains the CMB resonance peak wavelength. It is hypothesized by Neu Theory, that unlike the current scientific view, the peak wavelength will stay constant with time, not decrease. Perhaps, similar to its effects on galaxy hyper-spinfield orbits, the g-spin of the cosmos provides a natural harmonic accelerating floor to the free spin energy of the photon bubbles at that wavelength.
What is being proposed, is that the entire radiant spectrum from all the discrete sources in the universe, e.g., “little bang” photons, stellar radiation (including the radio frequencies whose photons are much larger than CMB photons), are red shifting into the spin energy continuum. Even the isotropic CMB photons must redshift as they cluster around a natural peak. All photons follow the same set of rules, there are no exceptions.
Light Comparison Table
Name | Wavelength (m) | Frequency (Hz) | Closure Time (s) | Photon energy (eV) |
Gamma ray | less than 0.02 nm | more than 15 EHz | less than 21 as | > 8 MeV – 62.1 keV |
X-ray | 0.01 nm – 10 nm | 30 EHz – 30 PHz | 10 as – 10 fs | 124 keV – 124 eV |
Ultraviolet | 10 nm – 400 nm | 30 PHz – 750 THz | 10 fs – 4.19 fs | 124 eV – 3 eV |
Visible | 390 nm – 750 nm | 770 THz – 400 THz | 4.08 fs – 7.85 fs | 3.2 eV – 1.7 eV |
Infrared | 750 nm – 1 mm | 400 THz – 300 GHz | 7.85 fs – 10.5 ps | 1.7 eV – 1.24 meV |
Microwave | 1 mm – 1 meter | 300 GHz – 300 MHz | 10.5 ps – 10 ns | 1.24 meV – 1.24 µeV |
Radio | 1 m – 100,000 km | 300 MHz – 3 Hz | 10 ns – 1s | 1.24 µeV – 12.4 feV |
The open-hollow is filled with a continuum of radiation that is perpetually expanding-in-place, as it travels, into longer and longer wavelengths. The continuum of radiation is being added to by the atomic and nuclear emission of photons at discrete frequencies from stellar sources, as well as the emission of photons from all the other “kinetic heat” sources in nature.
A large number of photons come into the open-hollow from the atomic electro-kinetic bond of hydrogen at the closure of the little bang phase after AGN emission. The hydrogen photons are emitted at different discrete frequencies depending on the energy state difference between electron transitions. These are the well known Lyman, Balmer, Paschen series of spectral lines that are observed.
Galaxies in the AGN phase are more or less uniformly distributed throughout the open-hollow. Over extended periods of time this contributes to the isotropic homogeneity of the CMB.
The smallest wavelength photons are “gamma rays” from nuclear events. Photons of most frequencies can be made in the laboratory.
The Cosmic Open Hollow
The Cosmic Open-Hollow is a maintained volume of space filled with light (See Figure 4.5 – The Cosmic Whole). The rise energy of space [8], and the spin energy of light [11] are two different forms of bosonic energy that coexist together, albeit at a cost in energy for light.
The Open-Hollow is also embedded with atoms which are objects made of matter [1][2][3] with the physical movement/synergy forms of magnetism [4] and the g-rise/spinfield and hyper-spinfield [5] forms. Matter is “jacketed” by electric charge shells [6+][6-] with electric fields [7+][7-][10], and matter is in motion [9]. These fundamental forms of nature are physically bound together and act as one.
Together these five physical quantities – space, light, matter, electricity, motion along with their movement/synergy forms – act in a manner that maintains perpetual cosmic homeostasis.
How do they do it? The key is the continuous creation of space as it perpetually expands and diffuses-in-place. Matter and motion recycle electricity through the means of a galactic atomic matter cycle, which periodically releases fresh burst of space into the open-hollow that replaces the expansion and diffusion-in-place of space at the accelerating speed of light. The light bubbles (radio waves to gamma rays) that continually traverse space are products of atomic electrical interaction, and nuclear matter transformations.
The space expansion and diffusion-in-place rate can be graphically calculated as the time at the speed of light for the open-hollow to double in volume. (Figure 5.4 – The Cosmic Whole). The time is calculated as the difference between the open-hollow boundary radius (R1) and the imaginary doubled volume radius (R2) divided by the speed of light.

Figure 5.4 – The Cosmic Whole, is an imaginary, not a physical perspective, the open-hollow boundary is a topological and physical extent that can be schematically represented as a surface of a spherical bubble that contains all the atoms, space, and light of the universe. The “outside looking in” is a purely fictitious perspective, as in principle one can never be physically outside the universe. The only true physical perspective is an “inside looking out.”
The bubble is imagined as maintaining a relatively constant volume with a fixed radius (R1). The physical size of the volume is determined by observation and theory. There is no physical universe beyond the open-hollow boundary, only an imaginary topological void. The model defines a topological void as a place without matter or energy. The topological void surrounding the open-hollow, is given a number exactly equal to the number of topological voids inside electrons at any time. As the universe expands into the void, metaphysically it expands into itself.
Space and light fill the bubble with uniform densities that can be estimated. A fixed amount (N) of matter is embedded within the volume as a cosmic web of galaxies, gas, and dust, and an isotropic shower of cosmic rays.
The model considers the open-hollow boundary as a topologically intact spherical surface that contains the expansion and diffusion-in-place of space. This can be considered a one-way movement into the future and away from the historical past. There is no space (zome) beyond the open-hollow boundary.
As a thought experiment, imagine the bubble surface expanding or contracting as the total volume of space changes. The total volume of space is maintained from the average volume of approximately 0.87N zomons that are being recycled by the universal matter cycle.
As the individual zomons expand and diffuse-in-place, fresh zomons are released within the bubble that equals the diffusion-in-place maintaining a constant universal volume and density of space. If the average volume of space per atom gets larger, the universal volume gets larger, and the rise energy density of space decreases, hence less space pressure. If the average volume of space per atom gets smaller the universal volume gets smaller and the rise energy density of space increases, therefore more space pressure.
For cosmic homeostasis to occur the infusion of fresh zomons must equal the universal expansion and diffusion-in-place of zome. How does one measure universal diffusion-in-place?
As another thought experiment, imagine the cosmic bubble to have a “leaky” surface. The universe is analogous to a permeable membrane that leaks space through its entire hollow surface into a topological void at the speed of light. For the open-hollow to maintain its homeostasis volume, as much fresh space has to be manufactured within the open-hollow volume, as is topologically “leaking” through the open-hollow boundary surface. Of course in physical reality there is no leaking, as this would mean that energy is escaping outside the universe, which in principle is not allowed. There is only diffusion-in-place of space with historical time inside the open-hollow volume, the total energy remains constant.
The purpose of this thought experiment is to estimate the time it would take to double the volume of the universe at the speed of light. The larger the initial volume the longer it would take for the universe to double. It should be noted that the universe doubling, similar to the g-rise doubling of a matter object, is a purely topological concept, useful for calculating the amount of fresh space that is required to replace the existing space that is expanding and diffusing-in-place with time throughout the open-hollow volume.
From the “inside”, the open-hollow boundary is an imaginary surface, receding away from all observers at the accelerating speed of light. Physically, the recession of the bounding surface, does not make the universe measurably larger as the distance between objects does not increase. The open-hollow boundary physically contains all the matter, energy, space, and light of the universe.
The open-hollow volume (Z) is made from an average volume (z) associated with each zomon. A number of zomons equal to Z must be released in the doubling time to maintain space homeostasis. With Z set equal to 0.867N, and N set equal to 3.0 x 1079, makes Z equal to 2.6 x 1079 zomons. It should be emphasized that the number of zomons is directly proportional to the universal b-state (electric) number. This is entirely based on the actual distribution of atoms in nature. If the electric number changes the zomon number will correspondingly change as both are created at the same time.
In the Neu Theory model, the galaxy core supercell neucleon mass, has more neutral numbers than electric numbers as it is made of deuterons and neutrons. Supercell core mass represents a significant quantity of universal matter, therefore it is possible the actual universal b-state is less than 0.87N, and perhaps more like 0.8N. However for our first calculation we will use 0.87N.
The galaxy supercell core releases fresh free a-state neutrons which spontaneously little bang into the b-state releasing fresh pulses (zomons) of space. The spectrum of zomon energies balances the kinetic energy of the electrons and cores keeping the total energy per little bang at 0.78 MeV. The zomon energy is equal to the energy attributed by current science to the neutrino.
It has been observed that the average energy of the emitted electrons in beta decay is ~1/3 of the invariant mass loss, approximately 0.26 MeV. Based on this fact, Neu Theory estimates the average zomon pulse carries the remaining 0.52 MeV, representing ~2/3 of the total mass delinked. With this average value the total maintained energy of Z is equal to ~ 1.35 x 1079 MeV. This represents approximately ~ 0.05% of the total rise movement/energy value of the universe calculated at ~ 2.8 x 1082 MeV.
Using the NASA value of one atom per 4 cubic meters and a b-state number at 0.87 N, each zomon has an average volume of 4.6 m3. This gives our model universe an approximate volume of 1.2 x 1080 m3, equal to a ball with a radius (R1) of 3.0 x 1026 m, or 32.3 billion light years. A ball with double that volume has a radius (R2) of 3.8 x 1026 m radius or 40.7 billion light years, a difference of 8.4 billion light years.
It is theorized that in 8.4 billion years a volume of 1.2 x 1080 m3 made from 2.6 x 1079 zomons will have topologically diffused-in-place with time, or diagrammatically “outside”, the open-hollow boundary of 32.3 billion light years as shown in Fig. 5.3. – The Cosmic Whole. To maintain a homeostasis cosmic volume of zome an equal number of zomon space bursts will need to be freshly infused into the universe in 8.4 billion years. This implies that 2.6 x 1079 neutrons have to be recycled by galaxy supercell ejections within the cosmic open-hollow volume during a 8.4 billion years time period.
Using these values, the rate of ejection would be ~ 3.1 x 1069 neutrons per year, or 9.8 x 1061 neutrons per second. Using a solar mass number of ~ 1.2 x 1057, makes this equivalent to a perpetual average ejection of ~ Eighty Two Thousand (82,000) solar mass number of neutrons every second throughout the cosmos.
Do astronomical observations support these numbers? Are there enough active galactic electric supercell cores (AGN) in the cosmos that are ejecting neutrons in sufficient quantities to replace the estimated universal volume of zome topologically expanding at the speed of light?
In one study* it was estimated that ~ 7% of observed galaxies are active, 93% are normal. This provides 3.5 x 1010 active galaxies from an assumed total of 5.0 x 1011 galaxies in the universe. At any moment approximately one out of thirteen galaxies in the universe is in its active phase.
There are many types and sizes of active galaxies observed. What many have in common is a bright light emitting region a few light days from the central core that is in the Balmer series of spectral lines indicating the presence of hydrogen. This is consistent with the ejection of neutrons hypothesis, the subsequent little bangs, and the synthesis of hydrogen.
With a required cosmic ejection rate of 9.8 x 1061 neutrons per second, on the average each of the estimated 35 billion active galaxies would need to eject ~ 2.8 x 1051 neutrons every cosmic second, to maintain homeostasis. Surprisingly this is less than the mass number of the earth ~ 3.57 x 1051. Doesn’t seem like much.
Ultimately it is observation and reason that will determine the truth or falsification of any theory. There is more work needed to show if the Neu Theory model matches observation. The theory uses values that must be accurately determined. If the values inputted into the model are changed the model will correspondingly adjust.
* Ph. D. thesis, School of Physics, University of Sydney, 1994, ACTIVE GALAXY UNIFICATION, Alan Roy; Introduction, Fig 1-1