NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

Natural Movement

Background Assumptions

The model hypothesizes, since primordial time N quantum units of absolute spin movement/energy (~939 MeV each) and N quantum units (~939 MeV each) of absolute rise movement/energy, have been physically linked together forming N quantum units (~1.674 x 10-27 kg each) of a three part primal matter object with dynamic properties. These quantum units of primal matter are the ordinary neutrons found in nature.

black circle shaded grey with a black ball at its center with a spin arrow and magnetic field lines Figure 0.6 – The Neutron

The neutron (the quantum whole n) is a composite object made from three unique elementary particles of matter V1 [1a], V2 [2a], V3 [3a], with invariant physical properties and form. There are three primal surfaces that make up this primal matter object, the neutron. S1 is the primal surface that encloses volume V1, the core, a ball like physical object. S2 & S3 are the primal surfaces that enclose volume V2, the membrane, a shell like physical object. Volume 3, called the plasm, is a physical object bottled between S1 surface of the core and the S2 surface of the membrane. Volume 3, the plasm has no primal surfaces of its own and can only exist as a discrete entity within the three part neutron object. In nature it is hypothesized that the total number of these three surfaces are conserved and their primal relationship is maintained during transformation.

The three elementary particles of matter are topologically bound together as the unstable a-state of matter and will eventually spontaneously transform into the stable b-state.

The b-state of matter begins with the little bang transformation. One of the neutrons particles, the contained plasm matter volume V3, escapes it topological bottle, and spontaneously de-links all of its Type II matter substance (0.000833u) into two equal spin and rise energy quanta (0.000833u each).

All the free absolute spin movement/energy from the plasm matter shell (0.000833u) after being exposed, mirror splits into 2 equal elementary absolute spin energy particles:

All the free absolute rise movement/energy from the bottled plasm matter (0.000833u) after bring exposed. splits unequally into:

  • an elementary particle of space, called the zomon volume [8] that isotropically expands and diffuses-in-place at the accelerating speed of light carrying approximately (~2/3 0.000833u) of 1st Law free spin energy.
  • the kinetic motion [9] of the proton and electron couple approximately (~1/3 0.000833u) of 2nd Law bound spin energy as they depart away (not exactly opposite) from each other at less than light speed.

The rise movement/energy distribution between space and motion is a continuous spectrum but the total energy always adds up to 0.000833u

The proton and electron electric matter couple come together with an electro-kinetic bond making the hydrogen atom and emitting the elementary photon particle [11] that is carried by space in the unique direction established at birth.

Natural acceleration acts on the elementary particles creating the four great accelerations of nature  (magnetism, gravity, electricity, and dynamic space). These generate the elementary forces of nature that interact by direct action and action-at-a-distance between the elementary particles and their various collections.

The constant of natural acceleration a is nature’s “free lunch” and is hypothesized to drive the engines of the universe.

Forms of Movement in Nature

All forms of movement observed in nature are called natural movement.

There are 3 forms of natural movement:

  1. Absolute Movement
  2. Physical Acceleration
  3. Relative Motion

All Movement in Nature Begins with Natural Acceleration

Absolute movement is primal movement at the constant speed of light by the two primal quantum movement/energy twins, spin and rise.

The source or cause of the other two types of natural movements, physical acceleration and relative motion, is the 3rd primal physical quantity of nature, natural acceleration.

Natural acceleration is the perpetual universal uniform acceleration of the constant speed of absolute movement.

The natural acceleration constant a, perpetually and synchronously acts on all N primal spin and rise quanta of energy irrespective of their place in the universe. This is the cosmic rush of existence.

1. Absolute Movement

Absolute movement is the movement of energy at the speed of light. Specifically absolute movement is the perpetual one-directional isotropic movement of the two primal quantum energy forms at the current speed of light. In the model the speed of light c undergoes a small perpetual universal uniform acceleration, the constant a.

There are two equal but different forms of quantum absolute movement. Primal spin absolute movement/energy is called a-spin energy (or spinergy) Primal rise absolute movement/energy is called a-rise energy (or risergy).

Most of the spinergy and risergy in nature is linked together as the three elementary particles of matter [1][2][3] and not available for individual inspection.

The four elementary energy particles [6+][6-][8][11] are forms of absolute movement/energy de-linked from plasm matter [3]. Plasm matter transforms into the four elementary energy particles. Three of the elementary energy particles; the two electric charge shells [6+][6-] and the zomon of space [8]; are forms of absolute movements at the speed of light, that is itself naturally accelerating. One elementary particle, the photon of light [11], is a form of movement at the speed of light that does not naturally accelerate.

  1. [6+] Positive electric charge energy shell surrounding the proton core [1b] – equal split absolute spin movement/energy shell  (a-spin energy) with a positive electric field [7+] extending into space [8].
  2. [6-] Negative electric charge energy shell surrounding the electron [2b] – equal and opposite mirror-split absolute spin movement/energy shell (a-spin energy) with a negative electric field [7-] extending into space [8].
  3. [8] Neutral free rise movement/energy shell (a-rise energy) – an expanding and diffusing-in-place zomon burst of space [8].
  4. [11] – Neutral Photon of Light – does not accelerate as its carried by space. This non-acceleration is the cause of redshift.

2. Physical Acceleration

Physical acceleration is the intrinsic physical movement (acceleration-in-place) of elementary particles (except the photon) at speeds less than or equal to the speed of light. The elementary particle physical body itself with its static physical properties undergoes the constant action a of natural acceleration.
  • For matter particles the intrinsic physical movement is: 1) an accelerating-in-place body (g-rise); 2) a physical rotation-in-place (g-spin)
  • For free spin energy electric charge shells the intrinsic physical movement is: an accelerating shrinking-in-place (g-fall) body that counteracts the g-rise of the accelerating-in-place matter surface that the charge shell(s) surround.
  • For free rise energy zomons the intrinsic physical movement is: g-rise expansion and diffusion-in-place at the accelerating speed of light.
Physical accelerations are always less than or equal to the speed of light.
Physical acceleration manifests itself in nature as the 4 great accelerations (g-movements) that generate all the forces of nature. The movements are:
G-Spin of Matter:
  • Quantum spin of neutron cores [1a] generates an anti-parallel magnetic field [4] (-1.0 neu magneton, ~ -0.966 x 10-26 JT-1).
  • Quantum spin of proton cores [1b] generates a parallel magnetic field [4] (+1.46 neu magneton, ~ +1.410 x 10-26 J T-1).
  • Quantum spin of the electron ball [2b] generates an anti-parallel magnetic field [4] (-960.92 neu magneton, ~ -928.476 x 10-26 J T-1).
G-Rise of Matter:
  • Acceleration-in-place by collections of matter [1][2][3] forms into space creates the g-rise/spinfield [5] effects that we call gravity.
  • G-rise at speeds less than the speed of light create gravitational spinfields that follow Kepler/Newton/Einstein rules.
  • G-rise at speeds equal to the speed of light create gravitational hyper-spinfields that follow yet to be determined rules. The uniform speed of stars orbiting a galaxy is the hyper-spinfield effect 
G-Fall of Electric Charge:
  • Acceleration-in-place of the positive charge shell(s) [6+] holds the neucleon cells of a nuclide together.
  • Acceleration-in-place of the negative charge shell [6-] around the electron and muon.
G-Rise of Space:
  • Acceleration-in-place of ~ 0.87N expanding and diffusing-in-place zomons (with an average energy of ~8.40 x 10-14 Joules each) of space [8] creates the cosmic space volume with its inertial field.
  • Average maintained space density (est. ~1.82 x 10-14 J/m3) pressure is the cause of Newton’s 1st law of motion.
  • Space g-rise acceleration opposing the g-rise of matter is the measure of mass.
  • Space pressure and acceleration is at right angles (90°) internal to the photon energy bubble, and is the direct cause of photon redshift.

3. Relative Motion

Relative motion is the linear, rotational, and orbital velocity of matter objects moving in space at speeds less than the speed of light. Relative motion is a vector movement with a speed and direction in a given frame of reference. Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is based on relative motion.

The Speed of Natural Movement

The speed (and acceleration) of all natural movement is measured relative to “c”, the speed of light constant @ 299 792 458 meters per second.

Laws of Natural Movement

All forms of natural movement must obey one of two laws, called the 1st law and the 2nd law. These correspond to the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics of current science:

  • A 1st law movement naturally accelerates with time, thus maintaining its energy value.
  • A 2nd law movement does not accelerate with time, thus losing relative energy value. This loss of energy value is natural entropy.